Article details

Zeszyty naukowe PŁ, Chemia Spożywcza i Biotechnologia
Zeszyt 70
Studies of interaction between (m-AMSA) and DNA by viscometric and melting profiles methods

Tomasz Leszczyński, Henryk Duński
Institute of General Food Chemistry
Technical University of Łódź

Pages: 13 - 22

We have examined the interactions between m-AMSA and CT-DNA, using melting profiles anime cosplay and viscometric techniques methods. We observed the increase of thermal stability of DNA after binding m-AMSA, depending on the concentration of the ligand in the solution. The maximal increase of the melting temperature of the m-AMSA/DNA system in comparison to pure DNA, was 6oC for the concentration of m-AMSA to DNA of 0,5. Viscometric examination of interaction of m-AMSA with DNA unambiguously indicate intercalation type of bounds. In the saturation state, 2,76 base pairs occur for one ligand molecule.

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